Ahi a Ngakau – Working From the Heart at First Class

Ko Matiti raua ko Orakei toku maunga

Ko Maraetaha raua ko Tarakihinui toku awa

Ko Takitimu raua ko Horouta toku waka

Ko Ngati Kahutia raua ko Ngati Rangiwaho toku hapu

Ko Ngai Tamanuhiri toku iwi

Ko Atareta Kemp taku ingoa

In my personal view, First Class Early Childhood Education and Care collectively creates Ahurutanga (safe space), and a supportive service for tamariki, family and whanau to engage in Te Whakakoha Rangatiratanga (respectful relationships).


Te Whakakoha Rangatiratanga refers to the constant recognition crucial to successful learning outcomes and is the conscious application of appropriate respectfulness in relationships with kaupapa and people, at the social, cultural, intellectual, emotional, economical and spiritual levels.

My daughter began at the centre in early 2014 and since then my whanau and I have been very pleased with her progress and also with the kindness and warmth of staff.

First Class Early Education and Care have provided my daughter with quality education and care, including te reo and tikanga Maori (Maori customs and culture) development.


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This is well demonstrated and displayed by kaiako (teachers) interacting daily with waiata, stories, korero and whakapapa.

I believe they display key values of ‘ahi a ngakau’ (working from the heart), manaakitanga (support) and whanaungatanga (importance of jointly working together with whanau, connectedness) to in order to benefit the child’s learning and development.

CLICK HERE to find out more about First Class Education and Care.

About the Author

Our blog stories are created by members of the Bethlehem Early Learning Centres team. We we hope you enjoy reading them! www.belc.school.nz