Welcome Letter from Head Teacher
At St Andrews Preschool we believe that relationship is the heart of learning. It’s so important to us to build warm and caring relationships with the children and whanau who join our centre.
“We know that when children feel loved, learning naturally follows”
Our centre is right in the heart of Te Puke and we are thankful that Te Puke has taken us to heart! We love being part of this tight-knit, multi- cultural community and value the unique contribution each child and their family brings to our centre.
I am proud that St Andrews Preschool is a ‘home away from home’ for children, a place where they can experience love, inclusion and respect as they develop into confident and competent learners.
We appreciate that there’s a lot to think about when it comes to choosing the best centre for your child. There are practical considerations, but there are also deeper questions to consider, such as: ‘What is our teaching philosophy and learning programme? What difference does being a Christian centre make to the way we do things? Are our teachers qualified and caring’?
You’ll find answers to these questions, and more, on the following pages. If you like what you see, we would love you to bring your child with you to visit our centre.
It would be our privilege to journey with you and your child through these formative, exciting and precious early years of life. I look forward to meeting you soon.

Parents are valued partners in the centre. They are kept well informed about centre provisions, are consulted during policy reviews, and are invited to share cultural knowledge and home languages.
St Andrews Preschool
Christian values and positive relationships underpin the welcoming centre environment. Children arrive eager to engage in play and connect with their friends.
St Andrews Preschool
Teachers actively encourage children to extend their learning. They ask open-ended questions that prompt children to think, negotiate and explore new ideas for play.
St Andrews Preschool
The preschool caters for a multicultural community. Teachers celebrate this diversity and encourage children to respect the languages and culture of others.
St Andrews Preschool
To all the great staff at St Andrews. Thank you for all the support and encouragement you have given Oscar over the years. It is a blessing to have you all help my children grow into the great young men they are when they start school.
Why Choose St Andrew’s Preschool?