Why Choose St Andrews Preschool in Te Puke?
Four Good Reasons to Send Your Child to St Andrews
At St Andrews Preschool on Stewart Street in Te Puke you’ll find happy children in a nurturing environment, enjoying genuine relationships with caring teachers who facilitate creative play and quality learning experiences.
We offer full-time and sessional education and care for children aged 3– 5 years. Open 8am – 5pm.
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to St Andrews Preschool | Te Puke
We honour each child as a gift to be discovered and developed.
We believe each and every child is created in the image of God, uniquely talented and gifted. Our passion as educators and carers is to nourish, nurture, affirm and encourage each child in his or her uniqueness. And, we want them to have fun in the process!
As an educational trust we’re not-for-profit, we’re for children.
Children are our priority, our reason for existence, our primary focus and our delight. When business decisions have to be made such as teacher:children ratios it’s the well-being of our children, rather than the bottom line, that guides our thinking. Our greatest desire is to see your child thrive and get the best possible start in life. We believe we can support our community by building positive relationships with the children and families who call that community home.
Our door is always open.
Parents/whānau are very welcome to be involved in our daily programme at any time. We believe that parents are the primary educators and we count it a privilege to partner with and support you in that important role. When teachers and parents work together for the good of each child, everybody wins.
You can count on us to care.
Our teachers have become a trusted support system for many children and their parents or caregivers. Family life can be demanding and we are here alongside you as partners in your child’s early learning journey. It’s our pleasure to offer a listening ear during daily routines, and support during times of crisis.
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to St Andrews Preschool | Te Puke
Our teachers all live locally so both our personal and our professional lives are strongly embedded in the Te Puke community. Our centre enjoys strong relationships with local businesses, the Te Puke Times, local primary schools, Kaka Street Special School and we often host professional development events to develop the skills and knowledge of our teachers, as well as teachers from other early childhood centres in our community.
We have a special relationship with St Andrews Presbyterian Church and enjoy the benefits of being able to use the church grounds for extra grassy space for children to run and play.We love the variety and richness that comes living in a multi-cultural community.
Every child matters at St Andrews Preschool – and every child brings with them the stories and the special contribution of their ethnicity and culture.
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to St Andrews Preschool | Te Puke
At the heart of our Christian faith is the belief that God has a big heart for people and for the world he created. By receiving his transformational love we are empowered to reflect that love to the people in our lives and especially to the little ones in our care.
We have a heart-felt and faith- filled desire to respect, accept, nurture, support and affirm your child. It is our privilege to enjoy their uniqueness, to develop their gifts and talents and to bring them into a positive experience of God’s love.
Our programme may include reading Bible stories, singing Christian songs and saying grace, karakia, before meals. Christian themes are sometimes explored in our teaching and learning, and relevant Bible verses may be included in learning stories.

Parents are valued partners in the centre. They are kept well informed about centre provisions, are consulted during policy reviews, and are invited to share cultural knowledge and home languages.
St Andrews Preschool
Christian values and positive relationships underpin the welcoming centre environment. Children arrive eager to engage in play and connect with their friends.
St Andrews Preschool
Teachers actively encourage children to extend their learning. They ask open-ended questions that prompt children to think, negotiate and explore new ideas for play.
St Andrews Preschool
The preschool caters for a multicultural community. Teachers celebrate this diversity and encourage children to respect the languages and culture of others.
St Andrews Preschool
To all the great staff at St Andrews. Thank you for all the support and encouragement you have given Oscar over the years. It is a blessing to have you all help my children grow into the great young men they are when they start school.
Why Choose St Andrew’s Preschool?