We believe that the quality of our relationships with children is at the heart of their quality learning experiences.  But don’t just take our word for it!

Here is a selection of feedback from happy parents who are happy to share their experience of our centres.


“My rambunctious, full of life, four year old can’t get enough of this kindy! From the moment we first set foot in the building we knew this was the perfect place to enrich, nurture and incite our son. He was welcomed and encouraged to participate until he was at ease; these guys didn’t miss a step. The teachers and staff are very attentive and meet the needs of each child very well through patience, loving words and gentle guidance.”
~ Tiffany

“Reuben’s portfolio is looking great and the stories are so wonderful. You ladies sure do a wonderful job. It amazes me each time I see or hear something new. Thank you for ALL the wonderful work you ALL do. Reuben is already working towards our goal thanks to the efforts of his incredible teachers. I can’t quite find the words to express my thanks and gratitude for all you and the other teachers do.”
~ Beryl


“I just love the way each child’s journey is cherished, respected and nurtured. Teachers are always available to talk through any concerns a parent has whilst taking the time to ensure the children’s little voices are heard as well.”
~ Trisha

“The care we receive, as a family is very personalised. We are not just a ‘number’ but are treated as part of the family. My girls are always excited to go and we have tears when it’s not a kindy day!”
~ Emma


“St Andrews is special because all of the teachers live locally and are active in the community. It is a place where children and their families are cared about and children are exposed to a rich learning environment. My child is greeted and acknowledged by the teachers. They have gotten to know him and how best to care for him.”
~ Jen

“Thank you so much for all the input you’ve had in Ruby’s development over the last two years but most of all, thank you for loving her.”
~ Amy

“I appreciate the way the teachers relate to my own in an open and friendly way. They ask open questions to engage in conversation and dispense cuddles when needed. The teachers are all open and friendly and I feel comfortable talking to them about any issues relating to my child. He loves going to preschool – he gets so many positive experiences and opportunities to try new things.”
~ Amy


“Since attending Amazing Place my child has reached milestones quickly, built confidence and is more sociable. Amazing Place is special for children and families as it is like a whānau. All the staff are caring and supportive. I will, and have, recommended Amazing Place to family and friends because it is awesome and my children who have attended have learned valuable Biblical principles.”
~ Rita

“I like Amazing Place Preschool because I can talk to all the staff about what Logan is learning and what his interests are at Amazing Place. I appreciate the teachers for teaching my son and the great interactions Logan has with each of them. Logan is starting to go to the toilet now so I thank the centre for helping me with toilet training. I would recommend this centre to others because Amazing Place is a friendly, kind and an understanding environment and their children would love going there. My son enjoys going every day.”
~ Miranda



WE HAVE  A BIG HEART FOR CHILDREN. Our passion as educators is to nurture, affirm and encourage each child in his or her uniqueness.  We discover and develop your child’s fascinations to make sure that learning is fun.
WE WELCOME PARENT INVOLVEMENT.  We believe that parents are the primary educators and we count it a privilege to partner with you. Parents/whānau are welcome to be involved in our daily programme at any time. 
WE BELIEVE ONE SIZE DOESN’T FIT ALL.  Each of our boutique centres has its own unique personality which reflects its connection to the local community it serves. Each centre builds relationships with the people and organisations in its own backyard.
WE’RE NOT-FOR-PROFIT, WE’RE FOR CHILDREN. BELC is a subsidiary of the Christian Education Trust who provide transformative education with Christian values.  The children’s well-being is our highest priority in all business decisions.
OUR CHRISTIAN VALUES CREATE A LOVING ENVIRONMENT. We have a heart-felt desire to respect, accept, nurture, support and affirm your child. It is our privilege to develop their gifts and talents and to bring them into a positive experience of God’s love.