Bethlehem College Kindergarten


 – Head Teacher
First Class Education and Care


 – Head Teacher
St Andrews Preschool


Hi, My name is Anne Campbell.

I am married to Brett and we have 2 children: We have lived in Te Puke for 16 years. I am originally from Fiji and have both Fijian and New Zealand heritage. I trained as a Kindergarten Teacher at Auckland Teachers College, graduating in 1985. My teaching experience includes: 3 years at a kindergarten on the North Shore, 2 ½ years in England working as a nanny and as a teacher at a Nursery School in London, 9 years teaching at a kindergarten in Mount Maunganui. During this time I had Talei taking off a year for maternity leave, and four years later Bryn. At this time I resigned due to Bryn having very high special needs.

Once Bryn started school I took up the role as support teacher one day a week and Office Administrator at Paengaroa Kindergarten. A teaching position relieving for a year arose at Paengaroa Kindergarten which I took on. At the end of this position I was lucky enough to be offered a teaching position here at St Andrews, and have been here since April 2009. In 2011 I was appointed Head Teacher here at St Andrews Preschool. 

Through my professional and personal experiences I have a special interest in working with and assisting children with special needs and their families. Through the knowledge and skills I have gained in this area, I am the GSE liaison person and attend IDPs supporting the implementation of specific learning programmes for children within our centre with special needs.

READ MORE about St Andrews Preschool in Te Puke.


 – Head Teacher
Amazing Place Preschool


Kia ora! My name is Leanne Gulliver.

I feel very blessed to lead a fantastic teaching team. I am privileged to work in a Christian centre where we are free to worship God through music, communication and prayer every day.

I was born in South Africa and moved to New Zealand with my family in 2006. I got married in February 2013 to Noel who supports me in everything I do.

I believe each child is a unique individual and deserves the right to learn in a safe, secure and stable environment. I find it fulfilling being with children, watching them develop, grow and learn through each new challenge they meet; learning is lifelong.

READ MORE about Amazing Place Preschool in Rotorua.



WE HAVE  A BIG HEART FOR CHILDREN. Our passion as educators is to nurture, affirm and encourage each child in his or her uniqueness.  We discover and develop your child’s fascinations to make sure that learning is fun.
WE WELCOME PARENT INVOLVEMENT.  We believe that parents are the primary educators and we count it a privilege to partner with you. Parents/whānau are welcome to be involved in our daily programme at any time. 
WE BELIEVE ONE SIZE DOESN’T FIT ALL.  Each of our boutique centres has its own unique personality which reflects its connection to the local community it serves. Each centre builds relationships with the people and organisations in its own backyard.
WE’RE NOT-FOR-PROFIT, WE’RE FOR CHILDREN. BELC is a subsidiary of the Christian Education Trust who provide transformative education with Christian values.  The children’s well-being is our highest priority in all business decisions.
OUR CHRISTIAN VALUES CREATE A LOVING ENVIRONMENT. We have a heart-felt desire to respect, accept, nurture, support and affirm your child. It is our privilege to develop their gifts and talents and to bring them into a positive experience of God’s love.