Who We Are
Bethlehem Early Learning Centres (BELC) is owned by the Christian Education Trust (CET) which is a not-for-profit organisation based in Bethlehem Tauranga.
The CET was established in 1986 and has grown from strength to strength ever since. In addition to Bethlehem Early Learning Centres the CET has established Bethlehem College, Bethlehem Tertiary Institute and the Bay of Plenty English Language School. As a charitable trust all profits are invested back into education.
BELC is governed by an experienced Board of Directors who are passionate about providing transformative education with Christian values.
BELC Board of Directors
Helen Gregory
Jonathan Boom
Currently we operate four early learning centres:
- Bethlehem College Kindergarten, Tauranga
- First Class Education and Care, Tauranga
- St Andrews Preschool, Te Puke
- Amazing Place Preschool, Rotorua
Each centre has its own Head Teacher, a company Administrator and ECE Teaching Team. The individual centres work closely in their communities alongside children and their families to provide care and education that reflects strong Christian values and a relational approach to learning and teaching.
CLICK HERE to read the most recent manager’s annual report to the BELC and CET boards.
The CET provides sound governance, leadership, encouragement and support to each of our centres through the BELC Board of Directors and Tim Collins who oversees the operations and management of each centre.
ERO reports have praised the leadership Lorraine provides to the Head Teachers and teaching teams.
“The centre is benefiting from sound management and governance structures provided by BELC. The head teacher is well supported and guided by the company manager. This well established governance structure has been instrumental in supporting centre development during a period of much change.”
Olive Tree ERO Report 2013, one year after BELC took over the centre.
“A considerable proportion of responsibility for financial, property and personnel matters is managed by the umbrella organisation. This management support allows the head teacher to maintain a strong focus on centre operations and community relationships. The head teacher and staff continue to receive regular, constructive guidance and advice from the company manager of BELC.”
St Andrews Preschool ERO Report 2013
This supportive leadership ensures that our centres are well managed and have high quality teaching teams. All of this translates into a secure and engaging environment for your child to thrive in!
Teachers' use of te reo Māori is naturally integrated in conversations and in giving directions. Children are developing an appreciation of te reo me ngā tikanga Māori.
Amazing Place Preschool
Relationships among teachers, children and their parents/whānau are characterised by warmth, respect and reciprocity. Teachers place high value on whānau participation and appreciate what they can contribute to centre life.
Amazing Place Preschool
Teachers are skilled at building on children's ideas and extending their vocabulary through sustained and meaningful conversations. Open-ended questioning promotes higher order thinking and risk taking.
Amazing Place Preschool
Parents are valued partners in the centre. They are kept well informed about centre provisions, are consulted during policy reviews, and are invited to share cultural knowledge and home languages.
St Andrews Preschool
Christian values and positive relationships underpin the welcoming centre environment. Children arrive eager to engage in play and connect with their friends.
St Andrews Preschool